Some useful information about our toughened glass splashbacks, sizing, ordering and more!
After a long time in the planning, I'm going to be offering my designs as print-to-order fabric and wallpaper.
The process is a bit long-winded - we have to tidy up the designs, make sure they're in the correct repeat and don't have any weird millefiori-related marks (a stray strand of dog hair in the picture, for example).
Tiles are expensive, so you don't want to order loads you won't need. But you also don't want to get to the end of a splashback and find you are three tiles short!
With a tape measure and a bit of basic maths, you can work out the area you plan to cover, and from that, how many tiles you need in your chosen size.
Using pattern tiles effectivey - Part One. Is it possible to use two different tile finishes in the same area? Can I put the hardwearing version behind my gas stove, and use the decorative finish tile everywhere else?
In my house, if I want a Mother’s Day gift, I buy it myself. As a family we seem to have ditched the conventional yearly celebrations of Valentine’s Day, Mother's Day and Father’s Day.
Christmas and birthdays are hanging in there - just!
But it never turns out that way.
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